How To: Travel from Puerto Viejo to Panama City

We skipped Boca de Toro in Panama to catch a last-minute yet really cheap flight from Panama City to Colombia. So although we didn’t get to see or do much in Panama (we’ll be back!) what we can share is a quick and cheap way to travel from Puerto Viejo to Panama City. Puerto […]
How To: From Ometepe to Monteverde by Bus

A simple step-by-step guide on how to travel from Ometepe in Nicaragua to Monteverde in Costa Rica, by bus
Nicaragua: Life on Laguna de Apoyo

From Granada to Laguna de Apoyo: Ask a local to direct you to Granada’s tiny bus terminal, located on the top left hand side of the parque (with your back facing the church). Take any bus going to Managua or Masaya and tell the driver/ayundante you are getting off at La Entrada de Laguna de […]
Costa Rica: Hike With Over 940 Dogs at the Land of Strays

As dog lovers, we’ll never forget that day in Costa Rica, the day we hiked 3km with over 940 barking mad doggies. Here’s a guide so you can make you’re own slobbery memories. Enjoy!
El Salvador: Playa El Tunco, A Surfers Paradise.

Our first stop on El Salvador’s coast, we loved the beaches, sunsets, surf and random donkeys of El Tunco, no doubt you will too.
Nicaragua: The Gringolandia Granada

The oldest colonial city Nicaragua has to offer, we stayed in Granada for more than a week. And to be completely honest, if it wasn’t for the fact that I enrolled in Spanish classes there, we probably wouldn’t have made it past two nights. Sorry Granada, but you were oversold, there was too much hype […]
Nicaragua: León to Granada for Less Than €5

Our simple budget backpacker guide on how to travel from León to Granada in Nicaragua, for less than €5.
El Salvador: El Cuco, La Tortuga Verde To The Rescue

Form the weirdest town in the world to the coolest resort, come ungracefully release some baby turtles with us!